I feel as though I say this all the time, but it’s really impressive how many distinct handbags Chanel manages to turn out in a year. The brand does collections, pre-collections, cruise, Metiers d’Art – every time you look up, there’s a new Chanel collection coming. Before we get to full-blown fall (and to tide you over after Metiers d’Art 2013), we present Chanel Pre-Collection Fall 2013, which popped up online late last week, along with a new look for the website.( www.bagsmallus.com )
Because Chanel doesn’t currently offer e-commerce, its website has lagged behind other brands’ online offerings a bit – why offer that kind of immersive product experience if you’re not interested in sales? Now it seems as though Chanel has taken a small step in that direction, creating a handbag browsing area that divides each collection into sections, provides cursory naming details and allows the user to zoom in to see the details in stark relief. With that, the brand has provided better, clearer images of its new bags than ever before, which we’ve included for your viewing pleasure below. These bags are in stores now
( www.bagsmallus.com )!
email: cs@bagsmallus.com